Indigenous Organization

In our combined thirty-seven years of professional theatrical experience, we have become aware of some serious needs in the contemporary Indigenous arts ecology. This includes a dearth of Indigenous Designers, Stage Managers, Production Managers, Designers, Producers, and Administrators. We will do our part to address these needs by ensuring every project includes paid apprenticeship positions with clear guidelines well-supported by the entire creative and administrative team.

We create work that provokes active thought and dialogue in our audience, and solicit ongoing feedback about our work in a candid, respectful and mutually satisfying way. This includes consulting with peers, veterans and emerging artists as well as with non-artist stakeholders.

Our projects are an investment in the development of the contemporary Indigenous theatrical canon. This investment necessarily extends beyond a premiere production. We disseminate our full-scale productions as complete yet evolving works, not as touring versions of something that has been more whole. This is an acknowledgement that we as Indigenous peoples are not bound by colonial borders, but bound by common experiences and concerns for humankind. Our work includes the full breadth of society, and while it prioritizes the Indigenous perspective and Indigenous artists, we believe that our contemporary stories and art also inherently include the non Indigenous population. This active inclusion in practice and execution will inform the public works on offer, and will contribute to an increase in understanding of relevance among a multitude of peoples.
Wikidata ID: Q114980915
Last reviewed: Feb 22nd, 2023