Biography-Leland Faulkner
With a vision dedicated to the power of dreaming and the ability of theatre to be a universal art, Leland currently tours and teaches.
His touring production Dreamcatcher is a medicine bag of wonder tales and magical adventures rooted in First Nations culture.
Leland holds a degree in Motion Picture Studies, and his broad experience includes film, media and television. His films and video productions have won many awards. During the pandemic of 2020 Leland used his skills to create, direct, and edit virtual programs, as well as teach workshops on theater and virtual performance, empowering other artists to create in this new reality.
Leland has travelled the path of theatre for over thirty years and is a citizen of the world. First and foremost he is Anishinabe. His mother was from the Bad River Band of Chippewa Indians in Odenah, Wisconsin and his father was a Shoshone Bannock from Fort Hall, Idaho. His father worked in the Foreign Service and Leland grew up with an international background. He has lived in Afghanistan, Iran, and Africa, and when Leland stepped onto the path of the creative artist his performances took him to festivals and on tours all over the U.S., Canada, Russia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Spain, and Turkey. Experiencing life in multiple cultures has inspired his family oriented programs World of Wonder, Visions of Peace, Walker between Worlds, and Dreamcatcher.
First Nations
Tribal Member-Bad River Band of Chippewa Indians