Indigenous Artist

Kwe! Hi! I am as fiery as a dragon as a dancer and singer using expressive free form movements and deeply intuited sounds that come from my heart and spirit. I am a soundworker helping others find their inner creativity and power. I am a writer of musical dance theatre. And a singer-songwriter as well. I am a poet writing of Earth and her Nature, and for indigenous peoples about the deep connections I find and also protesting for what needs to change fro our freedom as indigenous peoples in our shaky homeland of Turtle Island.
I most often dance and sing and create songs to share the joy of life and I love to help others to create with me!!!

I studied dance and music for more than 30 years with various key professionals: expressive authentic dance teacher Lorenna Bousquet (Métis) of Toronto/London, Ontario; Shamanic expressive arts therapist Heloisa Porto of Toronto also. Sound worker/ therapist and music magician/performer Gary Diggins of Toronto. Also, Roy Wiley of Voice Colorado US.

I grew from their good guidance to spread my wings and teach my own classes and create my own performances by helping others create with their voice and dance and with musical instruments from around the world in group settings. I also hope to work with professional artists to perform my musical theatre!!!

I am also a teacher of hand drumming both community and native style and shamanic healing expressive music and dance with instruments from around the world such as ballaphone, thunder drum, Buffalo drum, ocean drum, didgeridoo, hand pan, and many others. But especially my own built in instrument: my voice!

I have preformed, as an amateur, at drum circles and ecstatic dance circles and in a few performances which Gary DIGGINS wrote for us as a class to present.

Now I hope to form my own musical theatre troupe and inspire audiences with our creations.

My heart and performance is guided by the biggest heart and biggest performer of all-Gizulk (Creator)!


First Nations


Last reviewed: Feb 27th, 2023