It is said that if you sit by the rivers of New England, you can hear the songs of the ancestors, the Abenaki, carried on the wind or the rushing waters. Now there is a voice so powerful, it can honor the songs of the old ones.
Bryan Blanchette is a 21st century Abenaki artist. He brings 10,000 year old traditions into music and performance into a 21st century setting. A contemporary song may be sung in an Algonquian language, or a traditional pow wow song might be fused with a Euro American musicology. His music is the continuation of millenniums of music tradition of the land that flourished before America was America. Beautiful music and Abenaki heritage combine to create one of New England’s most original artists.
Blanchette’s musical talent is unquestioned. Whether singing at a pow wow with the Blackhawk Singers or performing solo at Vermont’s Flynn Theater, his voice makes listeners stop and take notice. A Native American Elder once told a young Bryan. “You have the voice of a warrior.” He plays multiple instruments, writes his own music and lyrics, and sings with a powerful, captivating Abenaki warrior voice.
Blanchette is a New England native and member of the Nulhegan Band of the Abenaki tribe. He studied music at the world renowned Berklee College of Music. He started pow wow drumming in 1996. His group, The Blackhawk Singers are extremely popular and have performed internationally to critical acclaim. They have released two CDs. He began writing Abenaki language songs in 1998. His contemporary music has also played to critical acclaim throughout New England.
Bryan is currently living in N’dakinna, the Abenaki homeland, Graniteville, Vermont.
For booking information and performance calendar, contact
First Nations
Abenaki, Nulhegan, Vermont