The Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance is a member-driven organization serving Indigenous artists and arts organizations across Turtle Island. We provide opportunities for arts and culture workers to connect with one another, gain skills and knowledge, and advertise their work and events among the network.
As a member of IPAA, Individuals and arts organizations gain exclusive access to the Indigenous Performance Network (IPN).
To learn more visit our Become a Member page.
The Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance (IPAA) is committed to promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of all Indigenous people, regardless of their gender expression and identity, sexual orientation, status and band affiliation, age, religion, disability, economic status, education, and other distinguishing traits.
The Safer Spaces Statement may also be referred to as our Code of Conduct, providing guidelines with respect to behaviours and values for decision-making, advocacy efforts, and relationships with our membership and other stakeholders.
This Code rests upon these traditional values understood in the Grandmother Teachings:
Debwewin = Truth
Dabasendiziwin = Humility
Manaaji’idiwin = Respect
Zaagi’idiwin = Love
Gwayakwaadiziwin = Honesty
Zoongide’ewin = Bravery & Courage
Nibwaakaawin = Wisdom
Our understanding of these values comes from the Anishinaabe guiding principles passed down from generation to generation to guide the Anishinaabe in living Minobimaadiziwin (the good life). To learn more about the 7 Grandmother/father Teachings visit the Seven Generations website.
* Discrimination is an action or decision that results in a person or a group being treated negatively for reasons such as their race, age or disability. These reasons, also called grounds, are protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
*Harassment can take many forms including unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate jokes or texts, threats, and other unwelcome verbal, written, visual, or physical communication or conduct.
To report a concern or complaint, or to provide feedback, please contact Executive Director Cynthia Lickers-Sage via email at, or email Board Chair INSERT at INSERT.
You may report an incident, concern or complaint through this Anonymous Response Form.
This Code of Conduct applies to all current employees of IPAA, including all full and part-time, casual, contract, permanent and temporary employees. It also applies to all persons who attend IPAA activities, including the Intertribal Gathering and online events. Without limitation, this policy will therefore apply to members, volunteers, artists and other third-party participants, independent contractors and members of the Grand Council.
The Right to Respect: Expectations in the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s Complaint Process
Honouring Our Ways: A Just and Sustainable Approach to Urban Indigenous Wellbeing & Safety by the National Association of Friendship Centers (NAFC)
Hope of Wellness Helpline is available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada
Talk4Healing is a 24/7 help, support and resource for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women, all across Ontario: 1855 554 HEAL.
Strategic Planning 2024 – 2028
Claiming space for Indigenous performing artists
We connect and empower Indigenous performing artists
Generosity, Inclusion, Honour, Respect, Reciprocity